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10 Years of Therapy Austin

10 Years of Therapy Austin

Celebrating a Milestone! 

Therapy Austin opened in 2012 with a mission to provide outstanding training to counselors so that our clients would receive excellent services. In ten years, we’ve grown from three therapists to a hundred, filled up five locations serving clients seven days a week from early to late, and developed a matching system and level of responsiveness that is unmatched in our community.

Today, over half of our staff are Senior Counselors with advanced specializations, certifications and licenses providing trauma treatment, relationship counseling, anxiety alleviation, and broad healing across many issues. Our Counselors are as diverse as the many mental health challenges they treat. Take a look at our amazing team!

As we look to the next ten years, we are poised to expand training and professional opportunities to counselors, increase our reach and access to clients in Texas, and deepen the pool of specialized services available. All the while, we are dedicated to maintaining the quality and heart that we have earned a reputation for.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We invite you to celebrate our 10th Anniversary with us on Facebook, Google, and Yelp!

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