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None of us at Therapy Austin blog for a living, but every once in a while we like to compose an offering that serves to inform, uplift, remind or resource you. Enjoy!

The Sensation Emotion Highway in Highly Sensitive Persons
Maybe you remember hearing it on the playground. “Stop being a baby.” Or after crying at work. “You need to learn how to not be so sensitive.” Undoubtedly, you’ve seen the debates in opinion columns. “Was everyone this sensitive before the internet?” There is no shortage of cultural messaging that equates sensitivity with weakness. But it turns out, all humans are sensitive in that we all experience the world around us through our senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. The information t...
Mood and Food: The Interplay of Nutrition and Mental Health
As a community-focused practice, Therapy Austin is continuously dedicated to enlightening you about the comprehensive nature of mental health. There are numerous factors influencing our emotional and psychological well-being, and today, we want to discuss a factor that’s often overlooked – the connection between our food and our mental health. It’s fascinating to know that how and what we consume can have a direct impact on our minds and mood. The correlation between food and mood is...
What’s all this buzz about “EMDR”?
In the vast landscape of therapeutic interventions, one approach has gained considerable recognition for its efficacy in treating trauma and related conditions: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, commonly known as EMDR. This innovative therapy is transforming lives by providing a unique and effective method for processing distressing memories. In this blog post, we will explore the essence of EMDR and identify the individuals who can benefit the most from this therapeutic technique. ...
On Fighting Sensitive Stigmas
When I was in grad school, we had to attend 10 therapy sessions of our own, because the best way to learn is to experience it for yourself. I remember very adamantly telling my counselor that I was in therapy because it was required for school, not because “anything is wrong.” And, because she was a great counselor, she gently called me out. “It seems like it’s important to you that I know nothing is wrong with you.” “Uh, well, yeah. I’m fine, I’m just here because school said I had to be.” “Do ...
Family Boundaries at the Holidays
How’s everybody feeling about Thanksgiving? Are you ready for some family bonding, planning to spend it with friends who make up your “chosen family,” or anticipating some time for solitude? Even without an election, the holiday season can bring up feelings of anxiousness, anger, fear and grief. This year as our country faces some major upheaval, I personally have been worried about the conflicts that might arise at Turkey Time. I’ve been digging through my psychotherapy “toolkit” to find ideas ...
Self-Care: Dare to Care for Yourself
In a world that sometimes feels determined to suck the life force right out of you, caring for yourself can be a truly radical and incredible act.  We are asked to give so much of ourselves to our jobs, our partners, our families and children, and often all that’s left for us are the scraps.  I hope that this blog post will show you that self care is accessible, in some way, to everyone.  Here at Therapy Austin we work hard to create routines of self care with our clients so that eventually they...
The Gift of Receiving
When was the last time you really received something? And I mean that in the truest sense of the word: intentionally opened yourself to a particular sensation, feeling, expression, or experience? It doesn’t come easy for many of us. So often we let the opportunity to receive pass us by, or we even actively push it away. How many times have you responded to someone thanking you by quickly saying, “No problem”? There isn’t something wrong with that response, but it’s worth acknowledging that it sh...
Podcasts and Audiobooks for Livin' & Lovin' in 2020
February always seems to arrive with chocolate-coated advice on how to have more steamy romances. Are you looking for something deeper that will bring insights into your relationships, past, present, and future? The staff of Therapy Austin has some recommendations! Check out these tried-and-true podcasts and audiobooks handpicked by our counselors to help you learn about healthy relationships, attachment styles, and connection.
Living with Loss: The Value of Grief
I wondered if this was a helpful time to write a blog about loss, being at the tail end of our sunny Texas summer and months away from the holidays. However, I quickly remembered the heart of the message I want to convey in this piece; that being human is an inherently vulnerable experience, and loss is an inevitable part of being alive, no matter the season. The ability and willingness to open ourselves to grief, as ironic as it might seem, is essential to living a full, enriched, meaningful li...
Mindfulness Mondays: Victorious Breath
Join Therapy Austin therapist, Cartelia, for a breathing exercise to help increase mindfulness and ground yourself to start your week.
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