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It Doesn't Take Long to Shift Thought Patterns Toward Happiness

It Doesn't Take Long to Shift Thought Patterns Toward Happiness

Happiness researcher Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage and Big Potential, contends that making small changes in our daily routines can transform our thought patterns, yielding greater life satisfaction and meaning. It only takes 21 days—three weeks of daily practice—for a new activity to become habit, Achor shares in an interview on the 10% Happier podcast. He identifies five evidence-based daily activities that can quickly increase gratitude, meaning, and pleasure in our everyday lives. Can you incorporate one of these practices into your daily routine? Today is a great day to start!

Do you think you can incorporate one of these practices into your daily routine? We believe in you! If you’d like to get support from a counselor on making changes like these, visit our Get Started page to request an appointment.

—Jill Hokanson

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