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Left-Brain Buddha's "Mindful Summer Bucket List"

Left-Brain Buddha's "Mindful Summer Bucket List"

The summer of 2020 is proving to be very different than usual. With vacations hit or miss, pool parties on hold, and heat waves still abounding, it’s a good time to step back and tune in with yourself with some self-compassion. Check out this “Mindful Summer Bucket List” from the blog Left-Brain Buddha. Here’s a sampling of the ideas:

  • Eat an entire meal in silence — pay attention to the act of eating and to the taste of the food
  • Go for a walk — with no iPhone, no music…. just pay attention
  • Take (an online) class — art, painting, drumming, dance, tai chi
  • Make a list of the things you love about yourself
  • Create a meditation space or a calm-down space in your home

Wishing you a mindful, reinvigorating summer!

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