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Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) teaches practical tools and skills to manage emotions better, get through distressing situations, improve relationships, and change behaviors that cause problems in the present.

This evidence-based approach was developed in the late 1980’s to address symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder. But, as is the case with so many valid and effective treatments, it has successfully been applied to a much wider range of mental health issues. These include ADD, bipolar, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, OCD, self-harm, addictions and suicidality.

In DBT sessions you will be working on both acceptance and change, practicing both tolerating that things are the way they are while at the same time developing skills that will give you a new experience and improve your relationships with others. You will also  learn to analyze problems or destructive behaviors and practice replacing them with more effective ones. Usually, there are associated thoughts and beliefs that keep you in the suffering and in DBT you will learn how to shift those so that your belief system is working FOR you, not AGAINST you.  People who engage in DBT learn to communicate effectively and work together as a team. In the process, they are encouraged to recognize their strengths and attributes and intentionally cultivate and use them. To learn more about the skills and lessons, see this site.

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