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Change & Growth

Helping you find balance in the flow!

None of us at Therapy Austin blog for a living, but every once in a while we like to compose an offering that serves to inform, uplift, remind or resource you. Enjoy!

Navigating the Emotional and Organizational Landscape When a Beloved Co-Worker Departs
Workplaces, at their best, are not just sites of productivity; they are micro-communities. They’re places where connections, collaborations, and shared memories are formed. 8 Navigating a Coworker Departure Tips So, when a beloved co-worker announces their departure, it isn’t just an organizational shift, it’s an emotional one too. Let’s explore the multifaceted implications of such a transition.  1. The Grief of Saying Goodbye Losing a co-worker, especially one you’ve grown close to...
10 Years of Therapy Austin
Celebrating a Milestone!  Therapy Austin opened in 2012 with a mission to provide outstanding training to counselors so that our clients would receive excellent services. In ten years, we’ve grown from three therapists to a hundred, filled up five locations serving clients seven days a week from early to late, and developed a matching system and level of responsiveness that is unmatched in our community. Today, over half of our staff are Senior Counselors with advanced specializations, certifica...
Trust Your Process
One of my favorite movie scenes is from Good Will Hunting. After only a few months of therapy, Will, the main character, has a major breakthrough in his therapist’s office. Then, he weeps into his therapist’s arms, he walks out the door a changed man, and changes his life. It’s such a moving scene. We’ve been rooting for his character, and it’s touching to see him transform and live the life he deserves. We all wish for moments like that. For that dramatic change that we’ve been working so hard ...
On Bean Clams and Existentialism
The beach is one of those go-to relaxing images for many of us. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a white-noise machine that didn’t come with the sound of waves, or a laptop that was sold without a stock image of the beach as a screen-saver option. I sat on the shore of Atlantic Beach, Florida last week and thought to myself that it’s no wonder we use this place to calm our nerves. Staring into the vastness of the ocean, hearing the rhythmic pounding of the waves, it’s...
Embracing Intentions: A Mindful Approach to Personal Growth in the New Year
As we usher in another year, the air is filled with the promise of new beginnings and the age-old tradition of setting resolutions. However, we invite you to consider a more mindful approach to personal growth by shifting the focus from resolutions to intentions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between the two and how embracing intentions can lead to more meaningful and sustainable positive changes in your life. The Pitfalls of Resolutions: Resolutions often come with a se...
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