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Zachary "Zack" Anglin, LCSW

Senior Counselor
Fully Licensed
Specialized in Couples (Emotion-Focused Therapy)

“Attention is a vehicle and means by which love, appreciation, friendliness and respect travel out through our communities.” – Gil Fronsdal

Hey there, and welcome to Therapy Austin! 

Having made it this far, you're probably curious what life might be like if some difficult parts of your day-to-day experience were to change. You might not quite know what those parts are yet, or the ways they could be different. Or maybe you know full well what you want to see change, and you've been trying everything you can think of to make it happen. No matter who you are and where you're coming from, there is a path forward that's uniquely your own, and I would be overjoyed to be your sidekick in finding it. 

I believe it's in our nature as humans to find ourselves stuck in places — inside ourselves and with the people around us — that are painful, or maybe just feel out of whack somehow. When we are allowed to feel truly safe and to be with ourselves for long enough, we get unstuck. 

Maybe managing your mood is a bigger part of your life than you're okay with. Maybe you've lost someone or your life has been turned upside down. Maybe you're wrestling with compulsions or addictions that are keeping you from living how you want to live. 

Or maybe the pressures and unfairness of the world are really weighing you. Maybe you're trying to better understand your gender or sexuality, or who you want to be, or the meaning of life. Maybe you feel like a character in a crummy story that's being read over and over again.

Whatever it is that brings you here, it is welcome. 

In our conversations, you'll find someone who accepts you, who really cares about your world and what you have to say, who doesn't assume they know something that you don't. And just like there's no one-size-fits-all path through life, I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all path in therapy. The paths we take are the ones that fit with you, and we find that out together. 

I earned my Bachelors in Psychology in 2015 and Masters in Social Work in 2021 from the University of Texas here in Austin. I've worked with adults of all ages, many just getting started in life, many wrapping up their time here, and lots in between. I have experience with folks of various races and ethnicities, personal and cultural backgrounds, income levels, and abilities. I've been a part of several recovery fellowships, and I'm a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I'm a lifelong musician, born and raised in Texas, and I honestly think my favorite hobby is just having real conversations with people. 

If you felt connected to anything I said here, please click the button below to get in contact with me!

Want help finding a great counselor? Call us at (512) 201-4501 ext. 1 or share your contact info here.



Starts at $125/hr*

*Actual rates subject to
counsellor openings

Area of Expertise

Understanding, Non-Judgmental, Actively Engaged

Relationships and Identity 

Substance Use and Compulsive Behaviors


Couples (Emotion-Focused Therapy)


Couples Counseling
Individual Counseling


Central Annex

Works With

Academic Pressure
Affair Recovery
Anger Management
Anxiety & Stress
Career Transitions
Caregiver Fatigue
Chronic Illness
Communication Issues
Conflict Resolution
Death & Dying
Depression/Low Mood
Development Trauma
Domestic Violence
Exploring Sexuality/Sexual Expression
Gender Identity
Grief & Loss
High Conflict Couple
Identity Development/Exploration
Imposter Syndrome
Inner Critic/Negative Self Talk
Interrupted Sleep/Insomnia
Issues Related to Oppression
Issues with Parents
Life Transitions
Low Self-Esteem
Neurodivergence (ADD/Autism)
Obsessive/Compulsive Tendencies
Personal Growth
Premarital Issues
Problem Thoughts
Problems at School
Problems at Work
Relationship Issues
Relationship to Food/Body
Relationship to Social Media
Social Skills Development
Sports Performance
Substance Use
Troubled Childhood
Troublesome Behaviors

Techniques & Experience

ACT - Values Based Therapy
Anxiety alleviation experience
CBT oriented
Effective with high-conflict couples
EFT (Emotion Focused Therapy)
Familiar with substance abuse
Focused on practicing skills
Helpful with mid-20's challenges
Mindfulness modalities
Practices from an anti-racist lens
Solution-focused/Brief Therapy
Specializing in couples counseling
Specializing in grief, loss, death, dying


Active sense of humor
Anxiety alleviation experience
Calm & slow-paced
Enjoys working with first-time therapy clients
Enjoys working with midlife adults
Enjoys working with older adults
Enjoys working with young adults
Friendly & direct
Identity Affirming
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Lived experience/Identity affirming
Spiritually sensitive
Warm & caring


Clinical Supervision

Contact Zachary

512-201-4501 ext 281

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